viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011


I can not wait to go to  the big fair in honor of the Peruvian food "Mistura 2011", this will take place from 9 to 18 september.
I remember the last time I went that  I had queue up to get  my favorite dish "Olluquito".
This time, I know the main theme will be "the fruits", so I imagine the variety of desserts to be based on the fruits.  I love "The Chirimoya", "The Lucuma", which are native from perú, these fruits with a combination of chocolate is know that.

Cheff will show us new fruits that we will never seen ever, that will be awesome.
"The metropolitano" bring you  to "mistura 2011", it means "El Ikarus de la vía expresa", for people who used to live in Perú.
I promise tell you how I was in "Mistura 2011", and what food I ate...but I can´t tell you how many pounds I je

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